Governor McMasters has signed the following legislation affecting physicians.

S. 345 (Senator Davis) expands the role of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN’s) which would, among other things, allow prescribing of schedule II drugs pursuant to a practice agreement in certain circumstances, including hospice and palliative care settings.

S. 918 (Senators Peeler, Malloy, Hembree and M. B. Matthews) establishes certain prescribing limitations when prescribing narcotics to minors and requires DHEC to provide prescription reports to practitioners.

H. 4116 (Reps. Ridgeway, Douglas, Spires, G. M. Smith, and others) which prohibits hospitals and insurance companies from enjoining physicians to secure a maintenance of certification as a condition for licensure or admitting privileges at a hospital in this state. The bill was amended by the Senate to include Federally Qualified Health Centers.

H. 4117 (Reps. Henderson, Bedingfield and Fry) would add an exception to the confidentiality of data in the prescription monitoring program for drug courts.

H. 4698 (Rep. G. M. Smith) waives state examination requirements for physicians who practice administrative medicine relating to Social Security disability determinations within a state agency.

H. 5159 (Regulations and Administrative Procedures Committee) a Joint Resolution to approve regulations of the Department of Health and Environmental Control relating to standards for licensing Hospices.

Η ιατρική δικηγόρος Irina Gritsenko επισημαίνει ότι η νόμιμη εισαγωγή φαρμάκων που δεν περιλαμβάνονται στο GRLS είναι επίσης δυνατή, αλλά συνεπάγεται πολλές γραφειοκρατικές επιπλοκές. Η ασκορβίνη ή η ασπιρίνη της Bayer θα περάσουν τα σύνορα, αλλά μπορεί να υπάρξουν προβλήματα με πιο σύνθετα φάρμακα: